Japan earthquake
For Japan earthquakes and tsunami damage Support page Support
Japan earthquakes and tsunami contribution
We contribute the all of contribution through Japan Red Cross Society.
The donation to Japan net-Bank.
Name of the Bank : Japan Net-Bank.
Branch name : 001.
Account kind : Futuu.
Account number : 0704376
Account name : Japan Net-Ginkou Tohoku Chihou Taiheiyou Oki Jishin Saigai
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Please attention to a Japanese earthquake and the tsunami
Please continue paying attention to a Japanese earthquake and the information of the tsunami
About the premeditated blackout
Our area is in premeditated blackout area.
Therefore there is a case to take time to send the email.
The blackout begins on March 14, 2011.
About a nuclear power plant
Number 1 Generater of First area of nuclear power plant in Fukushima, was confirmed that it is safe, now.
Now, Number 3 Generater of First area of nuclear power plant in Fukushima, There is a problem in sending water for cooling. (Mar.13th)
No. 3 has more power than No. 1 , for the difference, it is necessary to be careful.
I think that information becomes clear on March 14.
About the tsunami
Tsunami arrives far and wide.
Japan has little information of the tsunami of other countries.(on Mar.13th)
We pray for having little damage by the tsunami.
About the premeditated blackout
Tokyo is mediated in five areas.
A blackout is performed in turn every area.
In Japanese Tohoku region, a blackout continues now.
The Japanese half area will have trouble with electricity in one way or another.
The trouble of the electricity may last for a long term.
About the donation for Japan earthquake
A lot of senior citizens are in the disaster area.
Most of the people need the medicine every day, and it is necessary to maintain health.
The donation from all of you is used for medical supplies and the care of the heart.
Japan earthquakes and tsunami NEWS (23:00 Mar.13th)
340,000 people are in the criticism institution now.
(I can stay in my house.)
Dead more than 10,000 is certain.
There is the possibility, that increase more, because there are many areas without information.
Japan earthquakes and tsunami NEWS (20:00 Mar.14th)
There was the information of the trouble for nuclear power generation.
There seems to be a problem in cooling the second nuclear reactor.
I did not know that it was difficult to cool a nuclear reactor.
But appropriate measures are possible, and the problem goes to the converging direction.
The radioactive material may go out in the range of the quantity that safe management is possible.